Use of ICTs in Indigenous Education

November 12, 2021 by No Comments


IEEE Computer Society Team

ICT in indigenous educationOne of the greatest democratic achievements created in the last century was to recognize and guarantee education as a fundamental right. In this sense, the 1948 declaration of Human Rights promulgated just three years after the Constitution of the United Nations and in the context of the search for better opportunities for the world population, established that education is a fundamental and mandatory right. It also points out that its objective is the full development of the human personality, always favoring tolerance, respect, and understanding of all religious and ethnic groups.



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Later in 1989 and within the framework of the agreement of the International Labor Organization on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (Mexico) was established for member states to provide measures that guarantee interested parties the possibility of acquiring education at all levels. In addition, this education must be the same as that provided for the rest of the community. For its part, the declaration of the human rights of indigenous peoples establishes the right of children to have access to State education free of discrimination.

Continue reading “Use and Implementation of ICT’s in Education of Indigenous Communities: A Matter of Human Rights” from the 2019 International Conference on Inclusive Technologies and Education (CONTIE) problems faced by Mexico’s indigenous communities in access to education, and how ICTs can be used to reduce these obstacles.

Education is a Human Right that is guaranteed by the Mexican Constitution, as well as protected by several international conventions and declarations that shall be complied by Mexico. This right is universal, and the State is required to grant all individuals education in a freely and obligatory manner. This education, in addition, must be sufficient and of quality. Despite this, there are several groups and communities that, because of their high degree of marginalization or cultural conditions, find themselves with very low educational indices. Such indigenous communities in Mexico, which, due to their economic situation, as well as linguistic and cultural barriers with the rest of the country, received limited education. Through this research, an analysis will be made of the Human Right that indigenous members have of receiving quality education, and how ICTs could be a solution for the reduction of the cultural gap, through inclusive education. For such purpose, this investigation will present the main problematic faced by indigenous communities in educational matters, as well as the way in which through the use of ICTs they could be reduced.


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